While Valentine’s Day is a much-touted opportunity to celebrate our love for those we care about, it shouldn’t be the only time we demonstrate love to family and friends. Regardless of whether we are currently single, in a troubled relationship or happily partnered, we all want love. It feels good to experience the connectedness of a relationship and show our love to others. Countless songs, stories and poems proclaim the power of love. Religions stress the importance of love. Science is discovering the healing properties of love.
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Valentine’s Day is the ultimate celebration of love and relationships. It can be a recurring day of excitement and joy for those who are in a committed relationship, but for couples who are currently in the initial dating phase, this holiday can be anything but. Those in the early stages of a relationship may feel a mix of dread, confusion and – in the end – hurt. In fact, couples are more likely to break up in the weeks before and after Valentine’s Day.
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