The best way to get started is to click here to schedule an appointment. You can also call Sound Mind Therapy at (314) 503-6966 or 855-314-MIND.
Sound Mind Therapy does not bill health insurance companies directly. It is important that you check with your individual insurance company to find out your policy’s “out-of-network” benefit. We will provide a “superbill” upon request with all the necessary information required by your insurance company for reimbursement consideration.
Counseling is a working, collaborative partnership between client and therapist. It can be useful to those with mild difficulty in their lives as well as those with more serious or long standing problems.
Counseling can provide new insights into how you address life’s challenges, creating clearer thinking, increased energy, better understanding of feelings and desires, release of troubling emotions, and a greater sense of peace and wellness.
People seek counseling for a wide range of reasons. For example, some people come to get help with a difficult decision or feel overwhelmed by the stressors in their lives. Others have a desire to educate themselves, and work toward personal development, wellness, self-care and fulfillment. Counseling topics vary and can include:
Yes. In fact, consistent check-ins with a trained counseling professional can help prepare you for a time when you feel things are going wrong. Mental health therapists help you build the skills to successfully navigate life’s challenges as they come, so meeting with a counselor before you encounter difficulties can empower you to face those challenges head on.
At Sound Mind Therapy, you can expect to receive heartfelt support, education and empowerment as the focus of your therapy. We feel it is important for clients to understand that counseling is not always comfortable or straightforward as difficult emotions appear and it is not uncommon for some symptoms to increase as clients begin making changes. However, the benefits received from identifying and exploring emotions, rather than suppressing or fearing them, gives way for new perspectives to surface and healthy patterns to emerge. Remember, the amount of work invested in therapy is directly proportional to the amount of benefits received. The more proactive clients are with practicing their newfound skills into their daily lives, the more empowerment, growth and change they will experience. To get started, click here to register as a new client and schedule an appointment. Please complete the biographical and contact form online. This gives the therapist pertinent background information, enabling them to develop the best course of action for your personal needs.
Friends can provide wonderful support and empathy, but a counseling relationship is different in a very important way. Licensed Professional Counselors are specially trained in therapeutic techniques and have extensive knowledge to help people identify self-defeating beliefs and long-term patterns that prevent them from realizing their full potential.
Yes, in addition to individuals and groups, our therapists work with couples as well.
Yes, we support family health with compassionate family therapy sessions.
Yes. You have the right to confidentiality regarding your therapy although there are exceptions that are explained below. We will not speak to anyone without your written permission. We are legally able to speak to a health care provider or family member under the provisions of the Health Care Information Act of 1992, however we will not do so unless the situation is deemed an emergency. You may direct your counselor to share information with whomever you chose, and you can change your mind and revoke that permission at any time. You are also protected under the provisions of the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This law ensures the confidentiality of all electronic transmission of information about you. Whenever your counselor transmits information about you electronically (for example, sending bills or faxing information), it will be done with special safeguards to insure confidentiality. If you elect to communicate with your counselor by email, Sound Mind Therapy ensures confidential emails through its safeguarded software, Therapy Appointment.
Yes, there are a few exceptions to confidentiality. If your counselor has good reason to believe that you are in danger of harming yourself or others, they are legally required to take action to ensure your or another person’s safety. If they have good reason to believe that you are abusing or neglecting a child or vulnerable adult, or if you give information about another who is doing this, your therapist is required to inform Child Protective Services within 48 hours and Adult Protective Services immediately.
Sound Mind Therapy promotes transparency and shares progress notes with our clients.
Sound Mind Therapy fees per 50-minute session.
Sound Mind Therapy does not bill health insurance companies directly. However, we will be happy to provide you with an itemized receipt, upon request, with all the necessary information required by insurance companies for reimbursement consideration.
No, only a medical doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) can prescribe medication.
Yes, Sound Mind Therapy suggests and encourages you to find a counseling relationship that feels most comfortable to you.
The frequency with which you see your counselor is something both client and counselor determine, based upon the desired goals.
Generally, counseling appointments range in length from 50-60 minutes.