Tips to Stay Emotionally Connected While Social Distancing

5 years ago

You may currently be working from home and unable to interact with co-workers, or separated from close family members and…

Pain for Purpose: From the Heart

5 years ago

I have been talking about “Pain for Purpose” for years with clients, friends and family. What I mean by “Pain…

Controlling Anxiety in the Chaos of Coronavirus

5 years ago

When public crises occur – such as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) – it’s normal to experience anxiety and even fear. These…

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

5 years ago

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common type of psychotherapy that focuses on how a person’s thoughts, attitudes and beliefs…

6 of the Most Common Phobias

5 years ago

Millions of people experience extreme levels of fear when exposed to a situation, object or place they perceive as a…

Meet Our Newest Therapist, Madeline Senay

5 years ago

Sound Mind Therapy is growing! This month, we are excited to welcome a new therapist to our practice, Madeline Senay.

Dealing With Family Secrets Without Breaking Up the Family

5 years ago

Does your family keep secrets? It’s a surprisingly common behavior among families. Secrets can be small and harmless – such…

4 Ways to Ditch the Social Media Comparison Game

5 years ago

President Theodore Roosevelt famously warned that “comparison is the thief of joy,” but little could Teddy have known what we…

4 Unexpected Reasons People See a Therapist

5 years ago

Recently, we blogged about how to know when you should schedule individual counseling with a professional therapist. Common signs include unhealthy patterns…

Ways to Manage Social Anxiety During the Holidays

5 years ago

The holidays can be a wonderful time filled with decorating, shopping and memorable celebrations with coworkers, family and friends. But…