Researchers have revealed the reason rejection hurts so acutely: the same areas of the brain that clue us in to physical pain are activated by feelings of rejection. In other words, rejection hurts because it mimics physical pain!
Read MoreInnovative Counseling From the Heart Latest News
Being a parent isn’t easy but with the right tools, from self-care to counseling, you can overcome challenges with your children. Here are a few insights from our therapists.
Read MoreHave you reached a point in your relationship where you feel like you need some guidance? Couples counseling is therapy designed to address the needs and improve the relationship of a couple. Sounds great, right? Except in the case where your partner doesn’t want to go.
Read MoreHave you ever had a morning that starts off with the realization that you are very, very late waking up? In your rush to get ready for work, you spill coffee on your white shirt, which means you have to return to your closet to find something clean to wear. Your stress level rises as you realize you will be late to this morning’s meeting. Your heartbeat quickens, sending extra blood to your arms and legs in the alarm stage of stress, also known as the fight-or-flight response.
Read MoreHow do you react when bad things happen in your life? Do you blame yourself for not doing things differently, or dwell on what you did wrong for long periods? If this sounds familiar, you may have a pessimistic explanatory style, as described by American psychologist Martin Seligman. In a nutshell, this means that you attribute negative outcomes or events in your life to internal causes – you blame yourself when things go wrong.
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