Self-care is an important part of life in any season, but it becomes especially crucial during the long winter months, when many people are affected to varying degrees by the “winter blues.” Those habits that are easy to keep up in the summer – exercise, healthy eating, socializing – tend to take a backseat in winter. Faced with shorter days, less sunlight and cold temperatures, it’s easy to neglect your mental and physical well-being.
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While much has been said about the harmful effects of social media among users, on the flip side, we cannot overlook the great things that technology is doing to improve mental health awareness and treatment! Here are four ways technology is helping with common mental health concerns.
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How many selfies have you taken in the last week? What about the last day? Did you know that with every snap of the camera, you could be putting yourself in harm’s way? That’s what a significant amount of research is telling us: social media use – and in particular, selfie-posting – has a negative effect on mental health.
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Calling to set up an appointment for counseling is a big deal! I know that firsthand because I am the one who answers the phones at Sound Mind Therapy a few days a week. More times than not, I hear phrases including “I have never done this before,” “I am not sure how to schedule a session,” and “Can you help me find a therapist that would work with me?”
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If you have something important you want to discuss with your spouse or partner, asking “Is now a good time to talk?” can make a big difference.
It gives the other person a “heads up” that you want their undivided attention, that this is important to you, that you want them to really listen to you. It also shows that you are respectful of their time and are not assuming that they are available on your time schedule. If your partner or spouse says no, it’s not a good time, accept that and ask for an appointment within 24 hours when he/she will talk to you.
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